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Здорова Ірландія у вашій бібліотеці: поточні події 2024

Healthy Ireland Events 

Classes with Elaine Chapman of Chappie Fit                           Elaine-chappie-fit-logo
  • Parent/Guardian and Toddler yoga - Ferrybank Library Thursday 14th at 12pm

Заняття з хатха-флоу йоги для батьків/опікунів і малюків (18-36 місяці).

Це клас початкового рівня, на якому буде зосереджено увагу відновлення м'язів живота і тазового дна, с весело розтягується малюк провести їх зростаючі тіла через ряд рухів, що включають дихання та пози йоги - чудова вправа для згуртування!

Phone 051897200 or email ferrybank@kilkennylibrary.ie to book

Pilates for Menopause -

Ferrybank library Thursday 14th March at 2pm

  • Пілатес для менопаузи заняття з розтяжкою та релаксацією.

В цьому рівень для початківців Pilates mat class, the focus is on building an awareness of the body with exercises that aid good posture to support your joints, load bearing exercises to increase bone strength and stretches and relaxation to improve flexibility and restore balance. Bring your own yoga mat or towel for the exercises.

Обов'язкове бронювання. Телефонуйте 051897200 або електронною поштою ferrybank@kilkennylibrary.ie, щоб забронювати.


Chair based exercise

Gently increase your heart rate in this Chair Aerobics with Pilates class. A chair is used as a support for some standing, and then seated exercises, with back support. This class is effective in the development of cardio fitness, muscular strength and flexibility in a fun and friendly atmosphere.

  • Castlecomer Library on May 8th 11am

To book: Castlecomer library 056 4440561 or castlecomer@kilkennylibrary.ie

  • Urlingford Library on May 8th at 2pm

To book: Urlingford library 056 7794182 or urlingford@kilkennylibrary.ie

Marie Keating talks and visit by Mobile Unit         Marie-Keating-logo

The Marie Keating Foundation was established by the Keating family in memory of their mother Marie to provide the people of Ireland with vital information, advice and support on the signs and symptoms of cancer.

The Foundation's mission is to make cancer less frightening by enlightening and their aim is to live in a world free from the fear of cancer. The foundation reaches out to thousands of people every year.

Kilkenny Library are delighted to host the Marie Keating foundation at the following library branches this year

April 4th Ferrybank Library – 11am

  • Чоловіче здоров'я – Focusing on prostate, testicular and bowel cancer awareness 11am

Обов'язкове бронювання.Телефонуйте 051897200 або електронною поштою ferrybank@kilkennylibrary.ie, щоб забронювати.


May 8th  - Graiguenamanagh Library - 10am to 3pm

  • Marie Keating Mobile Health Unit will visit Graig library from 10am to 3pm

The mobile unit will always have a specialist trained nurse on board and people can visit in small groups or as individuals.

The mobile unit is well stocked with evidence based up-to-date information about the different types of cancer and cancer prevention. There is a quiet area at the back that can be closed off if individuals or small groups would like to come and have a chat about a symptom that they may have or if they have experienced cancer themselves or in the family. We do not provide screening, but we are happy to discuss any new skin lesions, symptoms etc. with individuals. You do not need to book an appointment just turn up on the day.

May 9th – Loughboy library – 11am

  • Your Health Your Choice – Focusing on cancer prevention:Smoking, Alcohol, Diet, Weight, HPV and HPV vaccination, Cancer screening and caring for our skin

Booking essential: Loughboy library 056 7794177 or loughboy@kilkennylibrary.ie

May 29th – Castlecomer library – 11am

  • Your Health Your Choice – Focusing on cancer prevention:Smoking, Alcohol, Diet, Weight, HPV and HPV vaccination, Cancer screening and caring for our skin

Booking essential: Castlecomer library 056 4440561 or castlecomer@kilkennylibrary.ie